Air Conditioning system installations have skyrocketed in the pacific northwest! You are not alone when you feel that our summers have been getting warmer. The great thing about AC is that in most cases we can add it to your existing HVAC system or furnace. Air conditioners are an electric form of cooling that uses refrigerant to absorb the heat inside your home and discharge it outside your home. At Marr's Heating and Air Conditioning we sell Carrier and American Standard Air Conditioning systems. These 2 brands have seen an exceptional score of reliability from sources like consumer reports. Our service technicians also play a huge role in determining what we sell to our customers. We are happy to say that on top of exceptional build quality, warranty and factory support, these brands also get an A+ rating from our installers and technicians!

Ac Unit

High efficiency and variable speed AC systems are one in the same. These units not only provide you with the cheapest long-term operating cost, but they also provide exceptional value with their extremely quiet operation, better air filtration and the ability to vary the amount of cooling needed to be just right for your home. This is like having 100 different heat pump sizes in one package. to top it all off, these systems come with a touch screen smart thermostat so that you can kick back, relax and control your comfort from anywhere!

Mid efficiency Air Conditioners provide consumers with an amazing value at less cost than a high efficiency system. These systems also allow for more features then their standard efficiency counterpart. These features include a slim profile model available with less noise output, and a 2-stage model to give you 2 sizes in one and make your home more comfortable in the summer heat than it ever has been.

Standard efficiency air conditioners are a popular choice for our customers. They are not as quiet or efficient as the mid and high efficiency counterparts, but they will keep you cool when the weather turns hot!

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If you are interested in booking an AC repair, maintenance or replacement, you can also call us at (555) 555-5555.